Topics: Support

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Supported Browsers

Supported browsers We design Swift Harbour™ to support the latest web browsers. We support the current versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Firefox Extended Support Release We do our best to support Firefox's latest Extended Support Release (ESR). Older versions of Firefox may disable...

Training Sheets & Features Manual

Our training sheet and features manual Get all you need and more from Swift Harbour. Download the training sheet here Download the features manual here

What to do during maintenance

What to do during a maintenance period We will do our best to advise before a maintenance period; however, in some cases, this may not be possible. There are generally not any actions required on the part of your business during maintenance, and in fact, our backup booking system will even still ...

Swift Harbour Support

Swift Harbour Support If you need any support, please don't hesitate to contact us either: by leaving us a voicemail at (604) 670-4818, by clicking the message bubble below on the bottom right (💬) and typing your question, or emailing us at [email protected] We strive to provide timely ...